Transport yourself back up to a thousand years and explore historical buildings as they may have appeared in the past.
Welcome to the TimeRef Medieval Timeline Reference website
n this site you'll find medieval timelines,
details of key medieval episodes, biographies of medieval people, photographs of medieval places, maps and
3D reconstructions of ruined castles and abbeys. Although this site is mostly about British
Medieval History the site is constantly being updated will hopefully cover other countries as well.
The timelines provide lists of events covering the medieval period from 800AD to 1599AD. Although the timelines only show a brief one-line description of each event, you can click the events to get more detailed information. Timelines are also arranged by category such as military events, or architectural events.
3D Reconstructions
If you are using Edge, Chrome or Firefox browsers please take time to explore a virtual motte and bailey castle. There are two versions available, a simplified version for slower computers and a more detailed version for faster computers.
'Episodes' are sections of history that consist of a series of linked events and people. You will find that many history books devote chapters in a similar way. Each episode consists of an overview, a list of events and a list of the people involved.
Here you will find an A to Z list of some of the important medieval people, detailed information about the kings and queens of England, and information on the rulers of Scotland. Each person has their own timeline, family tree and links to related people and places.
Maps and Places
The maps show the location of over 500 Medieval places in England, Scotland and Wales. Each point on the maps links to either detailed information on this site, or to to show its exact location. Also available here is an A to Z list of places with photographs, timelines and information about each place.
If you feel so inclined, I do accept donations. All donations will go towards new and improved reconstructions and free to play games.
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About the Author
Thank you very much for visiting It's taken a long time to put together and it's all been done in my spare time. If you are a student I hope you find the site useful for your studies and I hope it will give you an interest in Medieval history that you will can revisit later in life.
My job is programming computers but my hobby is medieval history. This website grew up as I learnt more about the people, places and events that took place in the medieval period. The website is far from complete so please visit again in the future to see more details and functionality.
I apologise for any mistakes that I have made on the pages of this site and am happy to receive notifications of errors that you may find. I am also happy to accept any donations of information. Many thanks to Peter Potter and Dorothy Davies for their donations.
Mark Needham (Copyright 1997 - 2024)All of the photographs and computer generated images on this site are copyrighted by me (unless stated) and cannot be used for any reason elsewhere without my permission.
If you intend to use the photographs and/or images from this site you must ask my permission first. If you use any of my photographs or images, please credit me properly.
I have tried to respect the copyright of others in putting this site together. If anyone feels that something on this site violates their copyright, please send me a note at TimeRef here. I will gladly remove anything if the owner of the copyright asks me to do so. logo produced and designed by
As everyone hates cookies and adverts I am trying to remove them all from this website. That means I make no money at all from visitors to this site.