Biographies of lesser people starting with H
The people listed on this page currently have less information so do not warrant a page of their own. As this website evolves and more information is added these people will be promoted to individual pages.
Please note: Portraits on this page are not intented to be accurate depictions of the individuals.
Hamilton, James (2nd earl of Arran)
Died: January 1575
James V of Scotland died. It is thought that the shock of the defeat of the Scottish army at Solway Moss a few weeks earlier led to his death. His daughter Mary was only a week or so old when he died and she became queen, known as Mary Queen of Scots. James Hamilton, Earl of Arran became regent of Scotland as Mary was too young to rule.
To comply with the agreement to marry Mary Stuart to the French Dauphin, the young queen was moved from Inchmahome Priory to Dumbarton Castle on the banks of the River Clyde on the west of Scotland. It was here that she waited before sailing to France. ¹
Queen Mary arrived in France. Four girls all also called Mary and coming from noble families were chosen to accompany the Queen. Known as the 'Four Maries' the girls were Mary Beaton, Mary Fleming, Mary Livingston and Mary Seton. They landed, possibly, at Roscoff on the north-west coast of France. ¹
An agreement was reached between the Scottish commissioners and the French king Henry II for the marriage of Mary, Queen of Scots and Francis, the Dauphin of France. The terms of the agreement allowed the Scots to maintain their traditional rights and would become united with France when Francis became King of France. It was also agreed that if Mary died without having children the Scottish throne would go to the Earl of Arran. ¹
Harald (Bluetooth)
Died: 986
Henry (Lord Darnley)
Born: 1546 Died: 1567
Mary, Queen of Scots, married Henry Lord Darnley in the chapel at Holyrood House. Henry then became King of Scotland but in title only as Mary still held all the power of the monarch.
Shortly after Queen Mary's marriage to Darnley, the true nature of the Lord's character became apparent. He showed disrespect to the Queen and was jealous of anyone who the Queen was close to. This included an Italian adviser called David Rizzio who Mary confided in and rumors said was the father of her unborn child. Darnley had Rizzio murdered in the presence of the Queen. He started plans to be given the right to rule Scotland as an equal to the Queen under the law known as Crown Matrimonial.
James the son of Mary Queen of Scots and Henry Stuart Lord Darnley was born at Edinburgh Castle.
Henry, Lord Darnley, was murdered as he tried to escape from his attackers as they laid gunpowder in his house. His house was destroyed in the explosion. The culprit was thought to be the Earl of Bothwell who was then very close to Queen Mary and it may have been the Queen herself who ordered the killing. ¹
Family Tree Details
Henry (Lord Darnley) (b.1546 - d.1567)
+Mary (Stuart, Queen of Scotland) (b.1542 - d.1587)
= James (VI of Scotland, 1567-1625, from 1603 James I of England) (b.1566 - d.1625)
+Anne (of Denmark, Queen Consort of Scotland) (b.1574 - d.1619)
= Henry Frederick (Prince of Wales) (b.1594 - d.1612)
= Elizabeth (Queen Consort of Bohemia) (b.1596 - d.1662)
| +Frederick (V Elector Palatine) (b.1596 - d.1632)
| = Rupert (Prince, count Palatine of the Rhine) (b.1619 - d.1682)
| = Maurice (Prince of the Rhine) (b.1621 - d.1652)
= Charles (I, King of England and Scotland 1625-1649) (b.1600 - d.1649)
+Henrietta Maria (Queen of England)
= Charles (II, King of England 1660-1685) (b.1630 - d.1685)
= Mary (Princess Royal, Daughter of Charles I) (b.1631 - d.1660)
= James (II, King of England, VII of Scotland) (b.1633 - d.1701)
= Elizabeth (Princess) (b.1635 - )
Henry (of Grosmont, Duke of Lancaster)
Born: 1300 Died: 1361
Kipchak Mongols besieging a Genoese trading centre on the Crimean coast catapulted their own dead into the city. The cause of death was a mysterious disease. The Genoese escaped by sea taking the 'Black Death' with them. They landed at Messina in Sicily. Black Death or Bubonic plague was spread by the rat flea. The name Black Death came from the colour of the swelling in the groin, armpit or neck. The person suffering went into a coma and dies soon after. In Europe an estimated 25 million people died. The plague reached Britain in 1348 and again in 1360 and the population may have been reduced by a half. ¹
King Edward III makes Henry of Grosmont the Duke of Lancaster.
Henry (Son of Edward I)
Born: 1268 Died: October 1274
Siblings (incl. half-siblings)
Family Tree Details
Henry (Son of Edward I) (b.1268 - d.1274)
Henry ('the Young King')
Born: 1155 Died: 1183
Eleanor gave birth to Henry at Bermondsey Palace in London. ¹
King Henry II travelled to France to meet Louis VII the French King and propose a marriage between his son Henry and Louis' daughter Margaret. This was accepted but the actual betrothal did not occur until November of 1160. Louis' children were all female, two by Eleanor of Aquitaine and the third, Margaret, by Constance , the daughter of Alfonso VIII, king of Castile. Henry was only three years old and Margaret was less than a year old. ¹
At a betrothal ceremony between Henry the Young King and Margaret, King Henry II accepted the dowry of the Vexin castles as agreed with King Louis of France. ¹
The coronation of Prince Henry, the eldest son of King Henry II took place at Westminster Abbey. King Henry was following the practice of the French kings who had their eldest son crowned during their lifetime to ensure the prince would automatically become king upon their death. King Henry used the Archbishop of York in the coronation service as an insult to Thomas Becket. This was an act that infringed the rights of the Archbishop of Canterbury. ¹
At a ceremony at Winchester Cathedral Henry, the Young King, and his wife Margaret were both crowned. ¹
The baronial rebellion against King Henry II started in 1173 and finished at the battle of Alnwick 1174. It was started by the king's eldest son, the young Henry who went to France to ask the French king, Louis VII to have his father removed from the throne. In England the barons rose up against King Henry and were assisted by the Scottish king, William I. ¹
From the middle of July King Louis of France, Henry the Young King and Philip the count of Flanders had surrounded the city of Rouen. The city held out against the war engines long enough for Henry II to arrive in the middle of August to stage a rescue. The besiegers were fearful that King Henry II would invade France and the siege was lifted. ¹
After a year and a half of rebellion against him, King Henry II achieved peace agreements with Louis VII the French king and his own three sons. (Treaty of Falaise?) ¹
Henry II's son Henry, crowned as the Young King, died of dysentery and Richard became heir to the English throne. ¹
Siblings (incl. half-siblings)
Family Tree Details
Henry ('the Young King') (b.1155 - d.1183)
+Margaret (Young Queen of England) (b.1158? - d.1197?)
Henry (V of Germany)
Born: 1081 Died: 23 May 1124
Family Tree Details
Henry (V of Germany) (b.1081 - d.1124)
+Matilda (Empress Maud) (b.1102 - d.1167)
Hepburn, James (Earl of Bothwell)
Died: April 1578
Hereward (The Wake)
As part of a revolt against the new Norman invaders, Hereward the Wake sacked the abbey at Peterborough.
The rebels Hereward the Wake and Morcar on the Isle of Ely were attacked and defeated by William the Conqueror.
Herland, Hugh
Died: circa 1411
Family Tree Details
+Robert (I, Duke of Normandy 1027-35) ( - d.1035)
| = William (I, the Conqueror, King of England 1066-1087) (b.1028 - d.1087)
| +Matilda (of Flanders) (b.1031? - d.1083)
| = Robert (II, Duke of Normandy 1087-1106) (b.1051? - d.1134)
| | +Sybilla (of Conversano)
| | = Clito, William ( - d.1128)
| = Richard (Son of William the Conqueror) ( - d.1081)
| = William (II, Rufus, King of England 1087-1100) (b.1057 - d.1100)
| = Henry (I, King of England 1100-1135) (b.1068 - d.1135)
| | +Matilda Edith (of Scotland) (b.1080? - d.1118)
| | | = William (Adelin) (b.1103 - d.1120)
| | | = Matilda (Empress Maud) (b.1102 - d.1167)
| | +Adeliza (of Louvain) (b.1103 - d.1151)
| | +Corbet, Sybilla (Lady of Alcester)
| | = Sybilla (of Normandy) (b.1092? - d.1122)
| = Cecilia (Daughter of William the Conqueror)
| = Constance (of Normandy) (b.1066? - d.1090)
| = Adela (of Normandy) (b.1067? - d.1137)
| +Stephen (count of Blois) (b.1045? - d.1102)
| = Theobald (V)
| = Stephen (of Blois, king of England 1135-1154) (b.1100 - d.1154)
| = Henry (of Blois, Bishop of Winchester) (b.1096? - d.1171)
+Herluin (de Conteville)
= Odo (Bishop of Bayeux) (b.1035? - d.1097)
= Robert (Count of Mortain) (b.1031 - d.1095)
Mistresses are shown in italic
Herluin (de Conteville)
Family Tree Details
Herluin (de Conteville)
= Odo (Bishop of Bayeux) (b.1035? - d.1097)
= Robert (Count of Mortain) (b.1031 - d.1095)
Holland, Margaret
Born: 1385 Died: 1439
Family Tree Details
Holland, Margaret (b.1385 - d.1439)
+Beaufort, John (1st Earl of Somerset) ( - d.1410)
| = Beaufort, Henry (Duke of Somerset) (b.1401 - d.1418)
| = Beaufort, John (1st Duke of Somerset) ( - d.1444)
| | +Beauchamp, Margaret (of Bletsoe) (b.1410? - d.1482)
| | = Beaufort, Lady Margaret (b.1441 - d.1509)
| | +Tudor, Edmund (Earl of Richmond) ( - d.1456)
| | = Henry (VII, King of England 1485-1509) (b.1457 - d.1509)
| = Beaufort, Edmund (2nd Duke of Somerset) (b.1406 - d.1455)
| | +Beauchamp, Eleanor ( - d.1467)
| | = Beaufort, Henry (3rd Duke of Somerset) (b.1436? - d.1464)
| | = Beaufort, Edmund (4th Duke of Somerset) (b.1438? - d.1471)
| | = Beaufort, John ( - d.1471)
| = Beaufort, Joan (b.1404? - d.1445)
| +James (I, King of Scotland 1406-1437) (b.1394 - d.1437)
| = Margaret (Stewart) ( - d.1445)
| | +Louis (XI, King of France 1461-1483)
| = Isabella (Stewart) ( - d.1494)
| = Eleanor (Stewart) ( - d.1480)
| = James (II, King of Scotland 1437-1460) (b.1430 - d.1460)
| | +Mary (of Guelders) (b.1433 - d.1463)
| | = James (III, King of Scotland 1460-1488) (b.1452? - d.1488)
| | = Stewart, Alexander (Duke of Albany) (b.1454? - d.1485)
| = Joan (Stewart) ( - d.1480)
+Thomas (Duke of Clarence) (b.1389 - d.1421)
Howard, Catherine
Executed: 13 February 1542
Just weeks after the marriage to Anne of Cleves was annulled, King Henry VIII married Catherine Howard his fifth wife.
Catherine Howard was executed on Tower Green within the Tower of London. She had been found guilty of adultery and therefore treason and sentenced to death.
Family Tree Details
Howard, Catherine ( - ex.1542)
+Henry (VIII, King of England 1509-1547) (b.1491 - d.1547)
Humphrey (Duke of Gloucester)
Born: October 1390 Died: 23 February 1447
Henry VI became king of England upon the death of his father. Henry was less than one year old when his father died and so England was governed by a number of protectors. These included Henry V's brothers, John Duke of Bedford and Humphrey Duke of Gloucester, along with Henry Beaufort the bishop of Winchester.
John, Duke of Bedford, died in Rouen. Henry was still too young to rule and Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, took over as regent until Henry was old enough to rule England unaided. Gloucester was not popular and was the cause of unrest with Parliament.
A parliament was held at Bury St. Edmunds where the Duke of Gloucester was accused of treason and arrested. It was said that he was planning an uprising against the king. The accusations were made falsely by the Duke of Suffolk. Gloucester died only days after his arrest.
Family Tree Details
Humphrey (Duke of Gloucester) (b.1390 - d.1447)
Selection of references used:
Explore the White Tower
Explore all four floors of the White Tower at the Tower of London using the Unity 3d game engine.
A Medieval Mystery
There appear to be some strange connections between the fourteenth century Old Wardour Castle and ancient stone circle Stonehenge.
1: Location
Old Wardour Castle appears to be aligned to ancient sites in the Stonehenge landscape.
2: Alignment
Stonehenge is aligned to the Summer Solstice. Old Wardour has a very similar alignment.
3: Size
Could the builders of Old Wardour used mesaurements from Stonehenge to layout the geometrical keep?
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