Selection of references used:

  • 1. John Kinross, Discovering Castles in England and Wales
  • 2. Charles Henry Cooper, Memorials of Cambridge, Volume 2, 1866
  • 3. M.T.Clanchy, England and its Rulers
  • 4. Various, The Course of Irish History
  • 5. John Kenyon, The Civil Wars of England, ISBN:0-297-79351-9
  • 6. Alan Reid, The Castles of Wales, 1973, ISBN:ISBN-0-85097-185-3
  • 7. James Forde-Johnston, Great Medieval Castles of Britain, 1979
  • 8. John Timbs & Alexander Gunn, Abbeys, Castles and Ancient Halls of England & Wales (North), 1872
  • 9. Mike Salter, Castles of South-West Wales