his style is also known as Rectiliner or 'Late' Gothic. The need for larger areas of stained glass windows required larger rectangular areas between the stone sections of the windows. The use of horizontal bars known as transomes increased in this period to strengthen the windows that needed to hold the increase in stained glass that had become more popular. Previously the glass workers had to shape their designs around the stonework holding the window together, but now the glass workers wanted to use the windows to tell stories and the stonework was getting in the way. The vaulting also became a lot more complex resulting finally in fan vaulting an example of which can be seen at Gloucester Cathedral in the cliosters. Although the pointed arch was still used, other shapes began to emerge. The Ogee arch and Tudor arches are examples of these new designs (note: need to show examples).
Flamboyant Gothic Architecture
Appearing in France and Spain in the 15th century, the Flamboyant style was similar to the British version having lavishly-decorated exteriors and interiors. Windows grew larger and the amount of stone used between them grew smaller.
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Medieval Architecture