Biographies of lesser people starting with Y
The people listed on this page currently have less information so do not warrant a page of their own. As this website evolves and more information is added these people will be promoted to individual pages.
Please note: Portraits on this page are not intented to be accurate depictions of the individuals.
Yolande (of Jerusalem)
Born: circa 1212 Died: May 1228
Explore the White Tower
Explore all four floors of the White Tower at the Tower of London using the Unity 3d game engine.
A Medieval Mystery
There appear to be some strange connections between the fourteenth century Old Wardour Castle and ancient stone circle Stonehenge.
1: Location
Old Wardour Castle appears to be aligned to ancient sites in the Stonehenge landscape.
2: Alignment
Stonehenge is aligned to the Summer Solstice. Old Wardour has a very similar alignment.
3: Size
Could the builders of Old Wardour used mesaurements from Stonehenge to layout the geometrical keep?
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