- Aethelwulf (King of Wessex 839-858) (b.795? - d.858)
- Aethelbert (King of Wessex 860-866) (b.836? - d.866)
- Alfred (The Great, King of Wessex 871-899) (b.849 - d.899)
- Guthrum (King of the Danes -890) ( - d.890)
- Aethelred (of Mercia) (b.855? - d.911)
- Aed (King of Scotland 877 - 878) (b.840? - d.878)
- Louis (II, the Stammerer) (b.846 - d.879)
- Carloman (II, King of France 879-884) ( - d.884)
- Athelbald (King of Wessex 858-860) ( - d.860)
- Aethelred (King of Wessex 866-871) (b.840? - d.871)
- Halfdan, (King of Danes -876) ( - d.877)
- Aethelwold (b.868? - d.902)
- Constantine (I, Ruler of the Scots 863 - 877) ( - d.877)
- Giric (King of Scotland 878 - 889) ( - d.889)
- Louis (III, King of France 879-882) ( - d.882)
- Aella, (King of Northumbria 866-7) ( - d.867)
- ATHELSTAN (King of the English 924-939) (b.895? - d.939)
- EDWARD (the Elder, King of West Saxons, 899-924) (b.871? - d.924)
- Sihtric (Norse King of York) ( - d.927)
- Aethelflaed (Lady of the Mercians) (b.869? - d.918)
- Fulk (II, the Good, Count of Anjou) ( - d.960)
- Wulfstan (I, Archbishop of York 931 - 952) ( - d.955?)
- Aethelred (II The Unready, King of the English 978-1013, 1014-1016) (b.967 - d.1016)
- Robert (I, Duke of Normandy 1027-35) ( - d.1035)
- Emma (of Normandy, Wife of Aethelred) (b.982? - d.1052)
- Canute (King of England 1016-1035) (b.995? - d.1035)
- Crinan (Abbot of Dunkeld)
- Swein (Fork-Beard) (b.960 - d.1014)
- Harold (Harefoot, King of England 1037-1040) (b.1015? - d.1040)
- Robert (The Pious, King of France 996-1031) (b.970? - d.1031)
- Godwin (Earl of Wessex) (b.1000? - d.1053)
- Champart, Robert (of Jumieges, Archbishop of Canterbury) ( - d.1052?)
- Magnus (I, King of Norway) (b.1024 - d.1047)
- Streona, Eadric ( - d.1017)
- Aelfheah (Archbishop of Canterbury) (b.954? - d.1012)
- Edmund (II Ironside, King of the English 1016) (b.981 - d.1016)
- Richard (I, Count of Normandy)
- Alfred (Aetheling) (b.1005? - m.1036)
- Malcolm (II, Scottish King) ( - d.1034)
- Duncan (I, Scottish king) ( - d.1040)
- Harthacnut (King of England 1040-1042) (b.1018? - d.1042)
- Aelfgifu (of Northampton) (b.990? - d.1040)
- Henry (I, King of France 1031-1060) (b.1008 - d.1060)
- Godwinson, Sweyn ( - d.1052)
- Leofric (Earl of Mercia) ( - d.1057)
- Macbeth, (Scottish King) ( - d.1057)
- Uhtred, (Earl of Northumbria 1006-1016) ( - d.1016)
- William (I, the Conqueror, King of England 1066-1087) (b.1028 - d.1087)
- Matilda (of Flanders) (b.1031? - d.1083)
- Edward (The Confessor, King of England 1042-1066) (b.1003? - d.1066?)
- Odo (Bishop of Bayeux) (b.1035? - d.1097)
- Edward (The Exile) (b.1016 - d.1057)
- Malcolm (III, Scottish King 1058-1093) (b.1031? - d.1093)
- Godfrey (of Bouillon) (b.1060 - d.1100?)
- Urban (II, Pope 1088-99) (b.1035? - d.1099)
- Fitz Osbern, William (Earl of Hereford) ( - d.1071)
- Morcar (Earl of Northumbria)
- Hereward (The Wake)
- Peter (The Hermit) (b.1050? - )
- Raymond (IV, Count of Toulouse) (b.1042? - d.1105)
- Anselm, (Archbishop of Canterbury) (b.1033 - d.1109)
- Leofric (Bishop of Exeter) ( - d.1072)
- Mowbray, Robert
- Duncan (II, Scottish King 1094) (b.1060 - d.1094)
- Eustace (II, Count of Boulogne) ( - d.1093)
- Geoffrey (Martel, I, count of Anjou) ( - d.1060)
- Fulk Rechin (count of Anjou) (b.1043 - d.1109)
- Gruffydd, Llywelyn ap ( - d.1063)
- Victor (III, Pope) (b.1026? - d.1087)
- Canute (IV, King of Denmark) (b.1042? - d.1086)
- William (II, Rufus, King of England 1087-1100) (b.1057 - d.1100)
- Robert (II, Duke of Normandy 1087-1106) (b.1051? - d.1134)
- HAROLD (II, Godwinson, King of England 1066) (b.1022 - d.1066)
- Robert (Count of Mortain) (b.1031 - d.1095)
- Edgar (The Aetheling) (b.1052? - d.1126?)
- Edgar (King of Scotland 1097-1107) (b.1074? - d.1107)
- Philippe (I, King of France 1060-1108) (b.1052 - d.1108)
- Gundulf (b.1023? - d.1108)
- Tostig (Earl of Northumbria) (b.1025? - d.1066)
- Hardrada, Harold (King of Norway 1047-1066) ( - d.1066)
- Tewdwr, Rhys ap ( - d.1093)
- Comnenus, Alexius (Byzantine Emperor) (b.1048 - d.1118)
- Lanfranc, (Archbishop of Canterbury) (b.1005? - d.1089)
- Stigand, (Archbishop of Canterbury) ( - d.1072)
- Robert (of Belleme, Earl of Shrewsbury)
- Lulach (Scottish King) ( - d.1058)
- Donald (III, Scottish King 1094-1097) (b.1032? - d.1099)
- Estrithson, Sweyn (King of Denmark (1047-1074)) ( - d.1074)
- Geoffrey (The Bearded) ( - d.1109?)
- Edmund (of Scotland)
- Aelfgar (Earl of Mercia) (b.1030? - d.1062)
- Nicholas (II, Pope) ( - d.1061)
- Suger (of St Denis, Paris, Abbot) (b.1081 - d.1151)
- Matilda Edith (of Scotland) (b.1080? - d.1118)
- Geoffrey (Plantagenet, 'The Fair', Count of Anjou) (b.1113 - d.1151)
- Bernard (of Clairvaux) (b.1090 - d.1153)
- Matilda (Countess of Boulogne, Queen of England) ( - d.1152)
- David (I, King of Scotland 1124-1153) (b.1085 - d.1153)
- Alexander (I, King of Scotland 1107-1124) (b.1077 - d.1124)
- Fulk (V, of Anjou) (b.1092 - d.1143)
- Adela (of Normandy) (b.1067? - d.1137)
- Wulfstan (Bishop of Worcester) (b.1008 - d.1095)
- Payens, Hugh de (b.1070? - d.1136)
- Mandeville, Geoffrey de (Earl of Essex) ( - d.1144)
- Roger (of Caen)
- Eustace (IV, Count of Boulogne) (b.1129? - d.1153)
- Abelard, Peter (b.1079 - d.1142)
- Michiel, Domenico (Doge of Venice) ( - d.1130)
- Euginius (Pope) ( - d.1153)
- Celestine (II, Pope) ( - d.1144)
- Henry (I, King of England 1100-1135) (b.1068 - d.1135)
- Matilda (Empress Maud) (b.1102 - d.1167)
- Baldwin (I, King of Jerusalem 1100-1118) (b.1058? - d.1118)
- Adeliza (of Louvain) (b.1103 - d.1151)
- Stephen (of Blois, king of England 1135-1154) (b.1100 - d.1154)
- Margaret (of Wessex) ( - d.1093)
- Baldwin (II, King of Jerusalem 1118-1131) (b.1060? - d.1131)
- William (Adelin) (b.1103 - d.1120)
- Stephen (count of Blois) (b.1045? - d.1102)
- Louis (VI, The Fat, King of France 1108-1137) (b.1108 - d.1137)
- Robert (Earl of Gloucester) ( - d.1147)
- Ranulf (Earl of Chester 1129-53) ( - d.1153)
- Flambard, Ranulf
- Conrad (III, Emperor of Germany) (b.1093 - d.1152)
- Melisende (of Jerusalem) (b.1105? - d.1161)
- Clito, William ( - d.1128)
- Gelasius (II, Pope) ( - d.1119)
- Richard (I, King of England 1189-1199) (b.1157 - d.1199)
- Eleanor (of Aquitaine) (b.1122 - d.1204)
- Henry ('the Young King') (b.1155 - d.1183)
- Louis (VII, The Young, King of France, 1137-1180) (b.1121 - d.1180)
- Alfonso (VIII, King of Castile) (b.1155 - d.1214)
- Plantagenet, Geoffrey (Archbishop of York)
- William (I, the Lion, King of Scotland 1165-1214) (b.1142? - d.1214)
- Bigod, Hugh (1st Earl of Norfolk) ( - d.1177)
- Theobald (of Bec, Archbishop of Canterbury) (b.1090? - d.1161)
- Bohemund (I, Prince of Antioch 1099-1111) (b.1050? - d.1111)
- Malcolm (IV, Scottish King 1153-1165) (b.1142 - d.1165)
- Saladin (b.1137? - d.1193)
- Lucy, Richard de
- Gruffydd, Rhys ap (Lord Rhys) (b.1132? - d.1197)
- Alexander (III, Pope) (b.1105? - d.1181)
- Baldwin (III, King of Jerusalem 1143-1162) (b.1131? - d.1162)
- Barbarossa, Frederick (Emperor) (b.1122? - d.1190)
- Baldwin (of Forde, Archbishop of Canterbury) (b.1125? - d.1190)
- Conrad (of Montferrat) (b.1145? - d.1192)
- Henry (II, King of England 1154-1189) (b.1133 - d.1189)
- Berengaria (of Navarre, Queen of England) (b.1165? - d.1230)
- Matilda (of England) (b.1156 - d.1189)
- Geoffrey (Duke of Brittany) (b.1158 - d.1186)
- William (II, King of Sicily) (b.1153 - d.1189)
- Becket, Thomas (St) (b.1118 - d.1170)
- Henry (of Blois, Bishop of Winchester) (b.1096? - d.1171)
- Philippe (II Augustus, King of France 1180-1223) (b.1165 - d.1223)
- Adrian (IV, Pope) (b.1100 - d.1159)
- Longchamp, William de ( - d.1197)
- David (Earl of Huntingdon) ( - d.1219)
- Clare, Richard fitzGilbert de (Strongbow, Earl of Pembroke) (b.1130 - d.1176)
- Murchadha, Diarmait mac (King of Leinster)
- Adela (of Champagne) (b.1145? - d.1206)
- Alys (Daugher of Louis VII) (b.1160 - d.1220)
- Amalric (I, King of Jerusalem, 1162 - 1174) (b.1136 - d.1174)
- Gwynedd, Owain (Prince of Gwynedd) (b.1109? - d.1170)
- Guy (of Lusignan, King of Jerusalem) (b.1159? - d.1194)
- Arthur (of Brittany) (b.1187 - d.1203)
- Henry (III, King of England 1216-1272) (b.1207 - d.1272)
- Louis (VIII, The Lion, King of France 1223-1226) (b.1187 - d.1226)
- Longsword, William
- Marshal, William (Earl of Pembroke) (b.1146 - d.1219)
- Eleanor (of Provence) (b.1223? - d.1291)
- Marshal, William (the younger)
- Walter, Hubert (b.1160 - d.1205)
- Roches, Peter Des
- Braose, William de (b.1145? - d.1211)
- John (King of England 1199-1216) (b.1167 - d.1216)
- Blanche (of Castile) (b.1188 - d.1252)
- Joan (of England, Queen of Scotland) (b.1210 - d.1238)
- Isabella (of Angouleme) (b.1186? - d.1246)
- Langton, Stephen (b.1150? - d.1228)
- Burgh, Hubert de (Earl of Kent) (b.1170? - d.1243)
- Alexander (II, King of Scotland 1198-1249) (b.1198 - d.1249)
- Marshal, Richard (Earl of Pembroke) ( - d.1234)
- Iorwerth, Llywelyn ap (The Great) (b.1172 - d.1240)
- Innocent (III, Pope) (b.1160 - d.1216)
- Richard (Earl of Cornwall) (b.1209 - d.1272)
- Edward (I, King of England 1272-1307) (b.1239 - d.1307)
- Alexander (III, King of Scotland 1249-1286) (b.1241 - d.1286)
- Eleanor (of Castile) (b.1241 - d.1290)
- Edmund (Crouchback, Earl of Lancaster) (b.1245 - d.1296)
- Louis (IX, King of France, St. Louis) (b.1215 - d.1270)
- Margaret (of Scotland, Queen of Norway) (b.1261 - d.1283)
- Alfonso (Son of Edward I) (b.1273 - d.1284)
- Blanche (of Artois) (b.1248? - d.1302)
- Gruffydd, Dafydd ap (Welsh Prince) ( - d.1283)
- Montfort, Henry de ( - d.1265)
- Mortimer, Roger (1st Baron Mortimer) (b.1231 - d.1282)
- Henry (II, King of Cypus 1285-1324) (b.1270? - d.1324)
- Polo, Marco (b.1253 - d.1324)
- Balliol, John (King of Scotland 1292-1296) (b.1249? - d.1313)
- Montfort, Simon de (b.1208? - d.1265)
- Margaret (of France) (b.1279? - d.1317)
- Margaret (of England) ( - d.1275)
- Gruffydd, Llywelyn ap (b.1223? - d.1282)
- Margaret (Maid of Norway) (b.1283 - d.1290)
- James (of St George) ( - d.1309?)
- Philippe (III, King of France 1270-1285) (b.1243 - d.1285)
- Alexander (IV, Pope {y:1254}-{y:1261}) (b.1199? - d.1261)
- Boniface (VIII, Pope) ( - d.1303)
- Celestine (V, Pope) (b.1215? - d.1296)
- Wallace, William (b.1270? - d.1305)
- Edward (III, King of England 1327-1377) (b.1312 - d.1377)
- Isabella (of France, Wife of Edward II) (b.1295 - d.1358)
- Lionel (of Antwerp, Duke of Clarence) (b.1338 - d.1368)
- Philippe (IV, The Fair, King of France 1285-1314) (b.1268 - d.1314)
- John (I, King of France 1316) (b.1316 - d.1316)
- Charles (IV, the Fair, King of France 1322-1328) (b.1294? - d.1328)
- Philippe (VI, King of France 1328-1350) ( - d.1350)
- Balliol, Edward (King of Scotland 1332) (b.1283 - d.1364)
- Bruce, Robert (the Bruce, I, King of the Scots 1306-1329) (b.1274 - d.1329)
- Mortimer, Roger (of Wigmore) ( - ex.1330)
- Arthur (King)
- Clement (VI, Pope) (b.1292 - d.1352)
- Edward (II, King of England 1307-1327) (b.1284 - d.1327)
- Joan (of the Tower) (b.1321 - d.1362)
- David (II, King of the Scots 1329-1371) (b.1324 - d.1371)
- Philippa (of Hainault) (b.1314? - d.1369)
- Louis (X, The Headstrong, King of France 1314-1316) (b.1289 - d.1316)
- Philippe (V, the Tall, King of France 1316-1322) ( - d.1322)
- Gaveston, Piers (Earl of Cornwall) (b.1284? - ex.1312)
- Benedict (XII, Pope 1334-1342) (b.1285 - d.1342)
- Thomas (Earl of Lancaster) (b.1278? - ex.1322)
- Bruce, Edward
- Despenser, Hugh (the younger) (b.1286? - d.1326)
- Benedict (XI, Pope 1303-1304) (b.1240? - d.1304)
- Robert (II, King of the Scots 1371-1390) (b.1316 - d.1390)
- Richard (II, King of England 1377-1399) (b.1367 - d.1400)
- Henry (IV, King of England 1399-1413) (b.1367 - d.1413)
- Thomas (of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester) ( - d.1397)
- Anne (of Bohemia) (b.1367? - d.1394)
- Chaucer, Geoffrey (b.1340 - d.1400)
- Wynford, William (b.1360? - d.1405?)
- Arundel, Thomas (Archbishop of Canterbury) (b.1353 - d.1414)
- Henry (of Grosmont, Duke of Lancaster) (b.1300 - d.1361)
- John (I, of Portugal)
- Isabella (of France, Wife of Richard II) (b.1389 - d.1409)
- Percy, Henry (Earl of Northumberland) ( - d.1408)
- Charles (V, King of France 1364 - 1380) (b.1338 - d.1380)
- Beauchamp, Thomas (12th earl of Warwick) (b.1339 - d.1401)
- Innocent (VI, Pope) (b.1282 - d.1362)
- Tyler, Wat ( - d.1381)
- Edward (The Black Prince) (b.1330 - d.1376)
- John (of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster) (b.1340 - d.1399)
- Joan (of Kent) (b.1328? - d.1385)
- Blanche (of Lancaster) (b.1342? - d.1369)
- Wykeham, William (of) (b.1324 - d.1404)
- Yevele, Henry (b.1320 - d.1400)
- Ball, John (b.1338 - d.1381)
- Swynford, Catherine (b.1350? - d.1403)
- Vere, Robert de (Duke of Ireland) (b.1362 - d.1392)
- Wycliffe, John (b.1330 - d.1384)
- John (II, King of France 1350-1364) (b.1319 - d.1364)
- Robert (III, King of Scotland 1390-1406) ( - d.1406)
- Clyve, John
- James (II, King of Scotland 1437-1460) (b.1430 - d.1460)
- Henry (V, King of England 1413-1422) (b.1387 - d.1422)
- Neville, Cecily (Duchess of York) (b.1415 - d.1495)
- John (of Lancaster, Duke of Bedford) (b.1389 - d.1435)
- Catherine (of Valois) (b.1401 - d.1437)
- Glyndwr, Owain (b.1346? - d.1415)
- Sawtrey, William ( - d.1401)
- Mortimer, Edmund ( - d.1409)
- Scrope, Richard (Archbishop of York)
- Tudor, Owen (b.1400 - d.1461)
- Charles (VII, King of France 1422-1461) (b.1403 - d.1461)
- Charles (VI, King of France 1380-1422) (b.1338 - d.1422)
- Beaufort, Henry (Cardinal-Bishop of Winchester) (b.1376? - d.1447)
- Stewart, David (Duke of Rothesay) ( - d.1402)
- Talbot, John (Lord, Earl of Shrewsbury) (b.1387 - d.1453)
- Richard (Earl of Cambridge) ( - d.1415)
- Henry (VI, King of England 1422-1461, 1470-1471) (b.1421 - d.1471)
- Thomas (Duke of Clarence) (b.1389 - d.1421)
- Humphrey (Duke of Gloucester) (b.1390 - d.1447)
- Beaufort, Joan (b.1404? - d.1445)
- Neville, Ralph (Earl of Westmorland, Earl Marshal) (b.1364 - d.1425)
- Percy, Henry (Harry Hotspur) (b.1364 - d.1403)
- Mortimer, Edmund (5th Earl of March) (b.1391 - d.1425)
- James (I, King of Scotland 1406-1437) (b.1394 - d.1437)
- Oldcastle, John (Sir, Lord Cobham)
- Joan (of Arc) (b.1412 - d.1431)
- Pole, William de la (Duke of Suffolk) ( - d.1450)
- Beaufort, Thomas (Duke of Exeter) ( - d.1426)
- Stewart, Robert (Duke of Albany) (b.1340? - d.1420)
- Cheng Ho (b.1371? - d.1436?)
- Edward (IV, Earl of March and King of England 1461-1470, 1471-1483) (b.1442 - d.1483)
- Richard (III, King of England 1483-1485) (b.1452 - d.1485)
- Henry (VII, King of England 1485-1509) (b.1457 - d.1509)
- Neville, Richard (Earl of Warwick, 'The Kingmaker') (b.1428 - d.1471)
- Neville, John (Earl of Northumberland, Lord Montague) ( - d.1471)
- Edward (of Lancaster, Prince of Wales) (b.1453 - d.1471)
- George (Duke of Clarence) (b.1449 - d.1478)
- Richard (Duke of York, Prince in the Tower) ( - m.1483)
- Stafford, Henry (Duke of Buckingham) (b.1455 - ex.1483)
- Beaufort, Edmund (4th Duke of Somerset) (b.1438? - d.1471)
- Neville, Anne (Duchess of Gloucester, Queen of England) (b.1456 - d.1485)
- Robin (of Redesdale)
- Louis (XI, King of France 1461-1483)
- James (IV King of Scotland 1488-1513) (b.1473 - d.1513)
- Charles (VIII, King of France 1483-1498) (b.1470 - d.1498)
- Beaufort, Lady Margaret (b.1441 - d.1509)
- Warbeck, Perkin (b.1474? - d.1499)
- Plantagenet, Edward (Earl of Warwick) (b.1475 - d.1499)
- Margaret (of York, Duchess of Burgundy) (b.1446 - d.1503)
- James (III, King of Scotland 1460-1488) (b.1452? - d.1488)
- Cabot, John (b.1450 - d.1500?)
- Woodville, Anthony (Earl Rivers) (b.1442? - d.1483)
- Isabella (of Castile) (b.1451 - d.1504)
- Woodville, Edward (b.1454 - d.1488)
- Cade, Jack ( - d.1450)
- Gough, Matthew (b.1386? - d.1450)
- Gama, Vasco da (b.1460 - d.1524)
- Tuchet, James (5th Baron Audley) ( - d.1459)
- Margaret (of Denmark) (b.1456 - d.1486)
- Welles, John (Viscount Welles) (b.1450? - d.1498)
- Edward (V, King of England 1483) (b.1470 - m.1483)
- Richard (Duke of York) (b.1411 - d.1460)
- Herbert, William (Earl of Pembroke) ( - ex.1469)
- Neville, Richard (Earl of Salisbury) ( - d.1460)
- Beaufort, Edmund (2nd Duke of Somerset) (b.1406 - d.1455)
- Margaret (of Anjou) (b.1429 - d.1482)
- Woodville, Elizabeth (b.1437 - d.1492)
- Elizabeth (of York) (b.1466 - d.1503)
- Beaufort, Henry (3rd Duke of Somerset) (b.1436? - d.1464)
- Neville, George (Archbishop of York) ( - d.1476)
- Edward (of Middleham, Prince of Wales) (b.1473 - d.1484)
- Charles (The Rash, Ruler of Burgundy)
- Caxton, William (b.1415 - d.1492)
- Arthur (Prince of Wales) (b.1486 - d.1502)
- Tudor, Edmund (Earl of Richmond) ( - d.1456)
- Tudor, Jasper (Earl of Pembroke) (b.1431? - d.1496)
- Neville, Isabel (Duchess of Clarence) (b.1451 - d.1476)
- Simnel, Lambert (b.1477 - d.1525?)
- Pole, John de la (Earl of Lincoln) (b.1464? - d.1487)
- Cecily (of York) (b.1469 - d.1507)
- Columbus, Christopher (b.1451 - d.1506)
- Ferdinand (II, King of Aragon 1479-1516) (b.1452 - d.1516)
- Stafford, Humphrey (Duke of Buckingham) ( - d.1460)
- Dias, Bartholomew
- William (Lord Hastings) (b.1430? - d.1483)
- Anne (of Brittany) (b.1477 - d.1514)
- Woodville, Richard (1st Earl Rivers) (b.1410? - d.1469)
- Clifford, John (9th Lord Clifford) (b.1435 - d.1461)
- Stewart, Alexander (Duke of Albany) (b.1454? - d.1485)
- Louis (XII, King of France) (b.1462 - d.1515)
- Tudor, Margaret (Queen of Scotland) (b.1489 - d.1541)
- Catherine (of Aragon, Queen of England) (b.1485 - d.1536)
- Parr, Catherine (b.1512 - d.1548)
- Seymour, Jane (Queen of England) (b.1508? - d.1537)
- Howard, Catherine ( - ex.1542)
- Brandon, Charles (Duke of Suffolk) (b.1485 - d.1545)
- Charles (V, Holy Roman Emperor (1519-58) and I, King of Spain (1516-56)) (b.1500 - d.1558)
- Wareham, William (Archbishop of Canterbury)
- Brandon, Frances (Lady) (b.1517 - d.1559)
- Seymour, Edward (Duke of Somerset, Protector) (b.1500 - d.1552)
- Hamilton, James (2nd earl of Arran) ( - d.1575)
- Magellan, Ferdinand (b.1480? - d.1521)
- Joanna (of Castile, The Mad) (b.1479 - d.1555)
- Henry (VIII, King of England 1509-1547) (b.1491 - d.1547)
- Mary (Tudor, Queen of France) (b.1495 - d.1533)
- Anne (of Cleves) (b.1515 - d.1557)
- Boleyn, Anne (b.1501? - ex.1536)
- Edward (VI, King of England 1547-1553) (b.1537 - d.1553)
- Cranmer, Thomas (Archbishop of Canterbury) (b.1489 - d.1556)
- Wolsey, Thomas (Lord Chancellor and Archbishop of York) (b.1472 - d.1530)
- Francis (I, King of France 1515-1547) (b.1494 - d.1547)
- Aske, Robert (b.1500? - d.1537)
- Julius (II, Pope 1503-1513)
- James (V, King of Scotland 1513-1542) (b.1512 - d.1542)
- Grey, Henry (Duke of Suffolk) ( - ex.1554)
- Seymour, Thomas (Lord High Admiral, Lord Sudeley) ( - ex.1549)
- Madeleine (of Valois) (b.1520 - d.1537)
- Mary (I, Queen of England 1553-1558, Bloody Mary, Mary Tudor) (b.1516 - d.1558)
- Mary (Stuart, Queen of Scotland) (b.1542 - d.1587)
- Dudley, John (Earl of Warwick, Duke of Northumberland) (b.1504 - d.1553)
- Grey, Jane (Lady) (b.1537? - ex.1554)
- Henry (Lord Darnley) (b.1546 - d.1567)
- Francis (II, King of France 1559-1560) (b.1544 - d.1560)
- Stewart, James (1st Earl of Moray) (b.1531? - m.1570)
- Anne (of Denmark, Queen Consort of Scotland) (b.1574 - d.1619)
- Walsingham, Francis (Sir) (b.1532? - d.1590)
- Drake, Francis (Sir) (b.1540? - d.1596)
- Shakespeare, William (b.1564? - d.1616)
- Elizabeth (I, Queen of England 1558-1603) (b.1533 - d.1603)
- Mary (of Guise) (b.1515 - d.1560)
- Philip (II, King of Spain 1556-1598) (b.1527 - d.1598)
- Dudley, Robert (Earl of Leicester)
- Henry (II, King of France 1547-1559) (b.1519 - d.1559)
- Knox, John ( - d.1572)
- James (VI of Scotland, 1567-1625, from 1603 James I of England) (b.1566 - d.1625)
- Stewart, Matthew (Earl of Lennox) (b.1516? - d.1571)
- Cavendish, Thomas (b.1560 - d.1592)
- Hawkins, John (Sir) (b.1532 - d.1595)
- Wentworth, Thomas (Viscount Strafford) ( - d.1641)
- Henrietta Maria (Queen of England)
- Rupert (Prince, count Palatine of the Rhine) (b.1619 - d.1682)
- Charles James Stuart (Duke of Cornwall) (b.1629 - d.1629)
- Devereux, Robert (3rd Earl of Essex)
- Pym, John (b.1584 - d.1643)
- William (II, Prince of Orange) ( - d.1650)
- Monro, Robert
- Cromwell, Oliver (b.1599 - d.1658)
- Hopton, Ralph (Sir)
- Ireton, Henry (Major-General)
- Goring (Lord) (b.1608 - d.1657)
- Devereux, Robert (2nd Earl of Essex)
- Gilbert, William (b.1544 - d.1603)
- Charles (I, King of England and Scotland 1625-1649) (b.1600 - d.1649)
- Villiers, George (1st Duke of Buckingham) (b.1592 - m.1628)
- Charles (II, King of England 1660-1685) (b.1630 - d.1685)
- James (II, King of England, VII of Scotland) (b.1633 - d.1701)
- Waller, William (Sir) (b.1597 - d.1668)
- Balfour, William (Sir)
- Leslie, Alexander (Earl of Leven)
- Rich, Robert (Earl of Warwick)
- Maurice (Prince of the Rhine) (b.1621 - d.1652)
- Montague, Edward (2nd Earl of Manchester) (b.1602 - d.1671)
- Fairfax, Thomas (Sir)
- Graham, James (Marquis of Montrose)
- Raleigh, Walter (Sir) (b.1552 - ex.1618)