Biographies of lesser people starting with A
The people listed on this page currently have less information so do not warrant a page of their own. As this website evolves and more information is added these people will be promoted to individual pages.
Please note: Portraits on this page are not intented to be accurate depictions of the individuals.
Adelard (of Bath)
Born: circa 1090 Died: circa 1160
Aelfgifu (of Northampton)
Born: circa 990 Died: 1040
Aelfgifu became regent of Norway ruling in place of her son Swein who had been appointed king of Norway by Canute after the defeat of Olaf Haraldson.
Family Tree Details
Aelfgifu (of Northampton) (b.990? - d.1040)
+Canute (King of England 1016-1035) (b.995? - d.1035)
= Swein
= Harold (Harefoot, King of England 1037-1040) (b.1015? - d.1040)
Aelfheah (Archbishop of Canterbury)
Born: circa 954 Died: 1012
Through the Winter months Aethelred provided the Vikings with lodgings and £16,000 in cash to stop the raids on his land. Aethelred was also the sponsor at the baptism of Olaf Trygvasson. Olaf was given instruction from the Aelfheah Bishop of Winchester. ¹
Aefheah, formerly the bishop of Winchester became the Archbishop of Canterbury.
The Vikings captured Canterbury and obtained a payment of £48,000. In a drunken rage the Vikings murdered Aelfheah, the Archbishop of Canterbury. Aelfheah was the man that had baptised Olaf Trygvasson in the Winter of 994. Outraged by the actions of his fellow men Thorkell the Tall defected to the side of Aethelred along with 45 Viking ships to help defend England from further Viking attacks. ¹
Aella, (King of Northumbria 866-7)
Died: 21 March 867
The Danes led by the sons of Ragnar Lodbrok, Ivar the boneless and Halfdan, attacked Northumbria and York. They wanted revenge for the death of their father who had been killed by Aella, the King of Northumbria. (Aella could have been an Irish Prince.) The Danes destroyed many churches and monasteries including Whitby Abbey. The monasteries remained ruined for two hundred years. (This may be a legend as Aella was supposedly killed at York)
Armies from Northumbria led by the two kings Aella and Osberht attacked the Danes at York but were defeated. The two kings were killed after gaining access to the city. After the battle the Danes moved south attacking Nottingham and taking control of it. The king of Mercia asked Ethelred and Alfred for assistance and an army from Wessex was sent to help. ¹
Aelred (of Rievaulx)
Born: 1109 Died: 1166
Aethelred (of Mercia)
Born: circa 855 Died: 911
Aethelflaed, the daughter of Alfred the Great married Aethelred of Mercia.
Family Tree Details
Aethelred (of Mercia) (b.855? - d.911)
+Aethelflaed (Lady of the Mercians) (b.869? - d.918)
Aethelwold (Bishop of Winchester)
Died: 984
Aethelwold becomes Bishop of Winchester.
As part of his reform of monastic life, Aethelwold, Bishop of Winchester bought the lands of the Isle of Ely and installed Benedictine monks on the site.
Agnes (of France)
Born: 1171 Died: circa 1220
Siblings (incl. half-siblings)
Family Tree Details
Agnes (of France) (b.1171 - d.1220?)
Alexander (IV, Pope {y:1254}-{y:1261})
Born: circa 1199 Died: 1261
Pope Alexander IV agreed to absolve King Henry III from the Provisions of Oxford. ¹
Urban IV was elected Pope after the death of Pope Alexander IV.
Alfonso (Son of Edward I)
Born: November 1273 Died: 19 August 1284
At the time of his death, Alfonso was heir to the English throne as he was the eldest surviving son of King Edward I and Eleanor of Castile, but at the age of just ten at Windsor Castle he died. This left his four month-old younger brother, Edward, as heir.
Siblings (incl. half-siblings)
Family Tree Details
Alfonso (Son of Edward I) (b.1273 - d.1284)
Alice (Daughter of Eleanor of Aquitaine)
Born: 1150 Died: 1198
Siblings (incl. half-siblings)
Family Tree Details
Alice (Daughter of Eleanor of Aquitaine) (b.1150 - d.1198)
Amalric (I, King of Jerusalem, 1162 - 1174)
Born: 1136 Died: 11 July 1174
Baldwin, the king of Jerusalem died. He was succeeded by his brother Amalric. ¹
Siblings (incl. half-siblings)
Contemporary People/Rulers
Family Tree Details
Amalric (I, King of Jerusalem, 1162 - 1174) (b.1136 - d.1174)
+Comnena, Maria (b.1154 - )
Ansgard (of Burgundy)
Died: 890
Family Tree Details
Ansgard (of Burgundy) ( - d.890)
+Louis (II, the Stammerer) (b.846 - d.879)
= Louis (III, King of France 879-882) ( - d.882)
= Carloman (II, King of France 879-884) ( - d.884)
Athelbald (King of Wessex 858-860)
Died: 860
Unhappy with his father's marriage to Judith and absence from the country, Ethelbald, Ethelwulf's second son claimed the kingdom of Wessex for himself. When Ethelwulf later died, Ethelbald married Judith, his stepmother. ¹
Upon the death of his elder brother, Ethelbert became the King of Wessex. ¹
Family Tree Details
Athelbald (King of Wessex 858-860) ( - d.860)
Explore the White Tower
Explore all four floors of the White Tower at the Tower of London using the Unity 3d game engine.
A Medieval Mystery
There appear to be some strange connections between the fourteenth century Old Wardour Castle and ancient stone circle Stonehenge.
1: Location
Old Wardour Castle appears to be aligned to ancient sites in the Stonehenge landscape.
2: Alignment
Stonehenge is aligned to the Summer Solstice. Old Wardour has a very similar alignment.
3: Size
Could the builders of Old Wardour used mesaurements from Stonehenge to layout the geometrical keep?
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