The design of the keep on top of the motte is unusual as consists of a shell keep with a round tower inside it. The gap between the outer shell and the tower is quite narrow and is not much more than a passageway. It was not large enough for rooms for example. It appears that the passageway would have been covered as the holes where the wooden floor was inserted can be seen around the outside of the inner keep wall. The walls of the inner keep are very thick and are large enough to contain a staircase that leads up to the upper floors. The floors themselves have gone but a large fireplace can still be seen at the height of the first floor.
The bailey of the castle contained several buildings now gone but some foundations can still be seen. These would have included a chapel and a hall as well as smaller houses for accommodation and workshops. The castle was used during the English Civil War but was not in a good state of repair and was abandoned afterwards.