Current Filter: Architecture
Vault: Underground chamber of interment
Vaulting: Roofing over a space consisting of ribbed arches radiating from a point
Vesica: Shape produced when a the centre of a circle is placed on the diameter of another circle of equal radius
Vice: A spiral staircase normally found in a tower or keep.
Voussoir: One of the wedge shaped stones used to form an arch
Wall plate: The horizontal piece of wood at the top of a wall immediately under the roof
Wall-walk: The passage along the top of a wall
Ward: An enclosure surrounded by walls. Another name for the bailey or courtyard
Warming Room: The one room in an abbey apart from kitchens where a fire was allowed
Waterleaf: Leaf shaped ornamental motif at top of columns. Introduced by the Cistercians
Wattle and Daub: Filling between the timber frame of a building
Wheel-window: See rose-window
Wicket: A small door in a larger Cathedral door that allows access without opening the main door
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