Seventh to Tenth Centuries
he years 601 A.D. to 1000 A.D. cover the period in Britain known as the 'Dark Ages' or the 'Early Medieval Ages'. It was a time that saw a steady stream of invaders reach Britain's shores.
Towards the end of this period Danish and Viking invasions were a common occurence and this is the time of Alfred the Great who defeated the Vikings at Edington in 878 A.D. In Europe Charlemagne became the
powerful ruler of the Franks.
Eleventh Century (1001 .. 1100)
uring the years 1000 A.D. to 1099 A.D. Britain was ruled by Saxons, Danes and finally Normans. The first half of the century was dominated by native Saxons and invading Vikings. But in
1066 after the death of the saintly King Edward the Confessor, William the Conqueror from Normandy put the Normans firmly on the English throne and in control of the country. The final few years
of this century saw the start of the Crusades in the Holy Land.
Aethelred of England has to content with increasing numbers of Viking invasions. Danegeld is paid to pursuade the Danes to leave the country. But Canute, the son of the Danish king becomes King of England.
King Canute becomes King of Norway and dies in 1035. English kings include Harold Harefoot and Edward the Confessor. The rise of the powerful Godwinson family.
Several claimants have their eyes on the English throne including William the Conqueror, Harald Hardrada king of Norway and Harold Godwinson, the Earl of Wessex. Edward the Confessor dies in 1066 leading to several invasions. William becomes King of England on Christmas day of 1066.
King William orders the compilation of the Domesday Book, a detailed record of ownership across the whole country. A large amount of castle and cathedral building takes place. William dies in 1087 and is succeeded by his son William Rufus who reigns for the rest of the century. Jerusalem falls and a Crusade is preached for.
Key Episodes
Twelfth Century (1101 .. 1200)
he start of the period saw the Normans on the throne of England, but this ended when the White Ship struck rocks in the English Channel and the son of King Henry I was
drowned. The resulting civil war lasted almost twenty years before Henry II took the English throne and the Plantagenets ruled England. Two more major Crusades took place in this century and saw
the rise of the warrior knights whose duties were to protect pilgrims in the Holy Land. One Crusade was led by Richard the Lionheart who got too close to the castle he was besieging and was killed
by an arrow wound.
This period covers a large part of the reign of King Henry I of England. His early reign is dominated by his brother's rebellion in Normandy. In the Holy Land several orders of knights are created including the Templars. At the end os this period comes the tragedy of the sinking of the White Ship and disputed succession.
The death of King Henry I and the disputed succession leads to Civil war between King Stephen and Matilda the daughter of King Henry. At the end of this period we see the start of the Second Crusade.
After the death of King Stephen, King Henry II takes the English throne. The Conquest of Ireland and the murder of Thomas Becket are key events.
The fall of Jerusalam triggers the Third Crusade, while in England, the sons of King Henry rebel against him. Richard the Lionheart become King of England after the death of King Henry II. At the very end of this period King John begins his troubled reign.
Key Episodes
Thirteenth Century (1201 .. 1300)
isrule in England led to
revolts by the barons against two of its rulers, King John
and his son King Henry III. Edward I,
the son of Henry III led armies into both Wales
and Scotland. In Wales he built a series of mighty castles that could be resupplied by sea to try and keep the Welsh under control. In Scotland,
Edward placed Edward Balliol on the Scottish
throne after the tragic death of the true Scottish heir, the Maid of Norway.
This period covers the complete reign of King John and the early years of King Henry III. Several key episodes occur including the Conquest of Ireland, the Excommunication of King John and the First Barons' War that resulted in the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215.
This period covers the reign of King Henry III. Several small Crusades take place.
This period covers a large part of the reign of King Henry III. Henry was influenced by his French wife's family and courtiers. This led to conflict with the barons and the Second Barons' War. In Wales Prince Edward was fighting a rebellion led by Llywelyn ap Gruffydd.
The early years of King Edward I's reign included the construction of many castles in Wales and conquering the Welsh in 1282. Edward's son was presented to the Welsh as the Prince of Wales. The Model Parliament of 1295 is concidered to be the first modern Parliament.
Key Episodes
Fourteenth Century (1301 .. 1400)
he misrule of England reoccurred in the first half of this century. Edward II had a favourite called Piers Gaveston and the barons rose up against their King.
Isabella, the wife of Edward II tried to take the English throne and had her husband killed. Their son, Edward III, started the Hundred Years War with France over the control of the
French throne. His son Richard II continued the War during his reign. In Scotland, at the start of the century Robert the Bruce became Scotland's ruler. The Black Death brought misery
to most of Europe.
1301 .. 1325
Edward I campaigns in Scotland. Capture and execution of William Wallace. Robert Bruce becomes King of the Scots. Edward II becomes King of England and English gains in Scotland are lost. Misrule brings disorder in England and Edward faces the anger of the barons.
1326 .. 1350
Capture and murder of Edward II. Start of the reign of King Edward III. King Edward helps put Edward Balliol on the Scottish throne. Edward III claims the French throne and starts the Hundred Years War. The battle of Crecy. The Black Death reaches England.
1351 .. 1375
The country suffers from the affects of the Black Death. The Black Prince attacks France. The French king captured at Poitiers and held hostage. Peace treaties signed with France and Scotland.
1376 .. 1400
Death of Edward III and Richard II becomes king. The Peasants' Revolt. Conflict between King Richard and the barons. The French prepare to invade England. King Richard is captured. Henry IV becomes King of England.
Fifteenth Century (1401 .. 1500)
he Hundred Years War with France dominated the first half of this century with King Henry V and Joan of Arc. The second half of the century was dominated
by the War of the Roses between the Lancastrians and Yorkists fighting for the English throne. The Yorkists won the
war but their reign ended with the death of Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth. The Tudors then
took the English throne starting with Henry Tudor, Henry VII. At the end of this century Columbus discovers America.
1401 .. 1425
The reigns of King Henry IV of England (1399 - 1413) and King Henry V (1413 - 1422). The revolt of Owain Glyndwr in Wales and the Percies in Northumberland.
1426 .. 1450
The reign of King Henry VI of England (1422 - 1471). The Hundred Years War continues. Joan of Arc rescues Orleans. The rise of Richard Neville, the Kingmaker.
1451 .. 1475
The Hundred Years War comes to an end. King Henry VI suffers bouts of ill health and the rise of the House of York. The Lancastrians and Yorkists and the War of the Roses.
1476 .. 1500
The mystery of the princes in the Tower. Richard III killed at the Battle of Bosworth ends the House of York. The rise of the Tudors. Columbus discovers America.
Sixteenth Century (1501 .. 1600)
1501 .. 1525
The death of King Henry VII. The death of Prince Arthur promotes Prince Henry as hier to the English throne as Henry VIII. The Field of the Cloth of Gold. Only one ship of the five that Ferdinand Magellan set out with returns to Spain.
1526 .. 1550
Divorce of Catherine of Aragon, execution of Anne Boleyn, death of Jane Seymour, divorce of Anne of Cleves, execution of Catherine Howard. The Pilgrimage of Grace and the sinking of the Mary Rose. Death of King Henry VIII.
1551 .. 1575
Short reign of Edward VI, King of England. Lady Jane Grey attempts to take the throne but beaten by Mary Tudor. Loss of Calais to the French. Elizabeth becomes Queen of England. Mary Stuart becomes Queen of Scotland.
1576 .. 1600
Seventeen Century (1601 .. 1700)
1601 .. 1625
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